Sunday, June 19, 2005

Sense on Student Coffee Cents

A good, sound fisking over at Ann Althouse's blog concerning students & coffee shops ...
A café is not just the coffee. It is an entire hours-long experience that contributes to your success as a student. It's true that to be financially savvy you have to realize that you spend a lot of money by spending a small amount of money on a daily basis, but there are much worse daily expenses that call out to students: bars, movies, cigarettes, fatty snacks.


Anonymous said...

Blogs are as good as coffee houses. And I love coffee. So I'm going to grind out an idea I have about Sillitoe:
His father didn't want to work--he was neither stoical nor cunning. His wife had to prostitute herself to put bread on the table. And his father suffered the humiliation of his wife's prostitution. And Sillitoe, indirectly, suffered the suffering of....But why, in the first place, did his father not want to work? Because of a combination of individual and social influences, I suggest.
Kafka's "Now" aphorism, modified by Hannah Arendt, offers a possibility of "possibility". This "now"--which is passed as soon as the word "now" is uttered--suggests that we can jump out of the time loop of eternal return. ("Time" here is a metaphor). Neither Kafka nor Arendt use the terms "loop" and "eternal return" if I remember correctly.
But how to jump out, and who may, is another question. Fate? I refuse. Point blank. Something to do with the context in which an individual life is lived.
Does the "now" opportunity occur for everyone? And for those for whom it does occur, when does it occur? Carpe diem, or diems. How to recognize it? In his diatribe against the welfare state, a position I agree with philosophically, does Sillitoe allow for the disabled or the partially disabled--physical, mental, circumstantial?

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say that Sillitoe jumped into the "now" out of the loop, wrote his novels, and we are the beneficaries.